Delivery And Shipment

For order containing multiple Products, delivery may be made in multiple shipments. Delivery usually takes 3-10 business days from the date of order placement. Upon placement of the order, the estimated shipping and delivery timelines shall be available on order details page. The estimated delivery times are indicative, hence there may be some unforeseeable delays, which are beyond our control. Further, we rely on our delivery partners to undertake the delivery and accordingly, we are not responsible for any delays in the delivery. In case of damage to the Products or missing Products, you have the right to return or exchange the Product in accordance with the terms of this User Agreement.

In the event, we (through our delivery partners) are unable to deliver the Product within the estimated delivery date due to any reason, you will be notified by an e-mail the reason for such delay. You will have the right either to cancel the ordered Product (at no cancellation fee) or wait for the Product to be delivered. You agree that we shall not be liable to pay for any damage or loss either direct or indirect owing to such cancellation of the order or delay in delivery.

Cost of Return Shipping

No additional delivery fee shall be chargeable in case of returns or exchange of Product.


You can make payments for the Products available on the Website in the following ways:

1. Payments can be made by credit cards, debit cards, wallets, UPI, net banking and reward points.

2. Cash on delivery

You agree that, for any payments done using our Website, we are not responsible for the money movement or lack of it or freezing of money between your bank and the payment partner. You agree that we are not responsible for the ways in which the payment partner could use the data that might shared with them, while doing a payment.

We do not authorise a transaction unless we receive a confirmation from the payment partner about a given payment and you agree that we are in no way responsible for co-ordinating the transaction. You agree that we have a right to restrict your access to our Website, if we get a notice from our payment partners that a suspicious or fraudulent activity is taking place from you. You agree that the onus of proving that transactions or activity was not fraudulent shall be on you.

You agree that you will only use the payment information, like credit cards/debit cards/UPI id that is your own and/or that you are legally authorised to use such payment information.


While we take all reasonable care in preparing and updating the information on this Website including information in relation to the Products and endeavour to be as accurate as possible, we and our Associates (defined below) do not represent or warrant (either express or implied) the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any of the content on the Website including description of the Product, its merchantability, any claims or expected benefits stated in respect of the Products, any colour, characteristic, price, graphical representation, availability, time taken for delivery of products or completion of any allied services in respect of the Products. We and our associates are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages including the damages for loss of profits, goodwill, data or any other loss associated with use of the Website, its services, the Products or this agreement. You acknowledge and accept that the Website’s content and such Product related information may include errors. The Products displayed on and sold on the Website should be bought at your own risk and if you have any condition that might affect you by using our Products, you should consult your concerned physician before committing to use our Products. We shall not be responsible for any loss or injury incurred due to usage of our Products. No warranty (whether express or implied) is made that the expected results of using the Product which might be displayed in its description, are certain.

You further acknowledge and accept that you shall use this Website, the Products sold on the website, the allied services like return etc., solely at your own risk and the content provided on this Website is on “as is” and “with all faults” basis. To the extent permissible under applicable laws, we and our Associates (which is defined to mean our affiliates, associates, employees, officers, directors, advisors, licensors or any other person acting on our behalf) disclaim all liability (including special, indirect or consequential loss) for loss directly or indirectly arising from: (i) your use of, or reliance on, the Website or the Website’s content or the usage of the Product; (ii) unauthorised use or access to our servers; (iii) interruption or cessation of transmission to or from our server. Nothing contained on this Website shall be relied upon as a promise or representation as to reliability, merchantability, fitness or efficiency of Products.

We shall also not be responsible in case of “phishing” or similar fraudulent scams. In order to mitigate the chances of such scams, ensure you are visiting the authorised url of our Website; you check for affiliation of officers with us; you don’t share your password with anyone; and ensure that emails you receive are from the domain name “”

We provide no guarantee that access to the Website will be available or that the Website is free from viruses or anything else which may damage any computer which accesses the website. We may, from time to time, restrict access to any part or whole of the Website in our discretion for any reason whatsoever including to prevent the spread of virus or security breach or in case of non-compliance with the terms of this User Agreement by you or any other person. Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the Website is done at your own discretion and risk and you are solely responsible for any damage to your computer or other electronic system or loss of data that results from the download of any such content.